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coursePost Graduate Program in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design and Analysis
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Fluid Dynamics
coursePost Graduate Program in CAD
coursePost Graduate Program in CAE
coursePost Graduate Program in Manufacturing Design
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Design and Pre-processing
coursePost Graduate Program in Complete Passenger Car Design & Product Development

Modeling and Simulation of flow around an Ahmed Body

In this project, you will be creating the geometry and setting up the case in Converge Studio. And then simulating to analyze the drag and the down force experienced by the Ahmed body. You will also be performing the validation study.

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Aeronautical Engineering

Duration :

1 month

Project Fees :

INR 30,000

Benefits of this Project

In this project, you will be creating the geometry and setting up the case in Converge Studio. And then simulating to analyze the drag and the down force experienced by the Ahmed body. You will also be performing the validation study.

What will you do in this project?

Step 1 - Geometry cleanup and wind tunnel creation in Converge Studio

Step 2 - Mesh generation with volume refinement and boundary layer generation

Step 3 - Apply Boundary Conditions and Run the Simulation

Validation study

Calculations and Analysis

In this project, you will work on the Ahmed body with a slant angle of 35° and run the simulation. You will do the following in this project,

  • Create a geometry and the virtual wind tunnel
  • Calculate the 1st cell height near the wall using Y+ calculator
  • Setup and run the case using Converge CFD software
  • Line plotting and visualizing the results in PARAVIEW.
  • Analyzing the drag and the down force experienced by an Ahmed body.

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1 month

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This project deals with simulating the flow around an Ahmed Body, which is a prototypical car model. In order to perform this simulation, a computational domain will be defined in the form of a virtual wind tunnel. The simulation will be run for 25 and 35° slant angles and the flow patterns will be studied for both cases. Multiple cases for various slant angles can be run to show how the separation at the rear takes place and how the wake is affected, ultimately affecting the drag produced by the body. Finally, the results will be compared with the experimental results to get an idea of which solution and turbulence models to use and fine tune the setup to provide the best results.

1 month

Domain :

Mechanical Engineering , Automotive Engineering , Materials Engineering , Aerospace Engineering , Aeronautical Engineering

In this project, you will be creating the geometry and setting up the cases for different angle of attacks in Converge Studio. And then simulating to analyze the drag and lift force experienced by an Airfoil at different angle of attacks.

1 month

Domain :

Mechanical Engineering , Automotive Engineering , Materials Engineering , Aerospace Engineering , Aeronautical Engineering

Project Highlights

The project is an advanced level project


Work with Multiple Tools


Modeling and Simulation of flow around an Ahmed Body

In this project, you will be creating a geometry in any of the CAD packages you are comfortable with and setting up the case in Converge Studio by providing appropriate boundary conditions. Also, you will be learning the theory behind how to create a virtual wind tunnel and will be creating it. Through this project, you will be getting a very good insight on the concepts of turbulence modelling, Y+, calculating 1st cell height near the wall and also understand how to make use of Y+ calculator to calculate base grid size. You will get exposed to very strong features of fixed embedding, volume refinement, boundary layer generation which are really important as it gives user, a very good control on the cell count and cell count can easily be optimized using these features. 

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