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Aim-Side Pole Crash Simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS solver and Preprocessing using HyperMesh / HyperCrash. Objective- To perform a crash analysis on the left side of a Dodge Neon BIW, also known as a side crash. The analysis is to be carried on the deformation and the forces created as a result of the crash…
Tribhuvankumar Pandit
updated on 09 Jan 2023
Aim-Side Pole Crash Simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS solver and Preprocessing using HyperMesh / HyperCrash.
Objective- To perform a crash analysis on the left side of a Dodge Neon BIW, also known as a side crash. The analysis is to be carried on the deformation and the forces created as a result of the crash at a speed of 35 mph. Along with the analysis, certain output requests were to be generated and they are as follows:
Import the Model
First, we will import the .rad starter file of the model which is named as neon_side_reduced_0000.rad in Radioss using Import Solver Deck option.
Reduced Model for Side Crash Analaysis
Now inorder to check the unit system of the model. we can go Model browser, and in Cards, check BEGIN_CARD.
or we can just open the Neon_front_0000.rad in a notepad ,where we will be able to check the units.
So for this model, we will see that the unit system followed is [kg mm ms].
We will be using Hypercrash and Hypermesh to set up the model. Some checks will be done in Hypercrash and some in Hypermesh. First, we will import the model into Hypercrash
Now go to Application >> Hypercrash>> Select the unit system >> open
Select Neon starter file and drag it to hypercrash application to open the model
Penetration is defined as the overlap of the material thickness of shell elements, while Intersection is defined as elements that actually pass completely through one another. All models and especially impact models should be checked for penetrations and intersections and De penetrated to ensure the integrity of the model. Penetrations adversely affect results and should be removed.
To check penetration and intersection
Got to Quality>> Check all solver contact interfaces >> Select parts > Click on check penetration
As you can see in the image below there are no penetrations or intersections present in the model
Compare the model weight with the full-scale 300k nodes model and use added masses to reach a target weight of 700kg while getting CG about the required range.
A vehicle’s center of gravity, or CG, is the theoretical point where the sum of all of the masses of each of its individual components effectively acts. In other words, from a physics perspective, a vehicle behaves as its entire weight resides at this one point. Carrying weight up high, such as a panoramic sunroof will raise a vehicle’s CG while placing heavy subsystems low in a vehicle, such as a battery pack, will work to lower it. Lower is better from a handling standpoint, as it reduces weight transfer during cornering and braking, and it also reduces the propensity to roll over.
Add Masses
Mass balancing: In order to maintain the CG of a car we have to add mass for the given components, In the given model here are so many parts are missing because of the node limits in the student version
To check the CG
Go to Menu >> Mass >> Balancing >> Show CG point
Current weight: 166 kg
Target weight: 700 Kg
Inorder to bring CG to our required position, the masses should be added to the nodes.
For adding the masses, "Addded mass" option in the Loadcase is choosed as shown in fig
After selecting that, by right clicking on Mass browser select Create New. In that,Type 1 is selected.
In order to distribute the given mass to each node of the node group selected.
then we added mass to different components as shown in table below in the BIW structure in order to obtain the required mass of 700 kg and to place CG at required location
MASS in KG |
40 |
Left side part which supports the fuel tank |
40 |
Right side part which supports the fuel tank |
80 |
B-Pillar beam |
90 |
Seat cross reinforcement |
60 |
Driver and his seat |
60 |
Passenger and his seat |
50 |
Left side legs place |
50 |
Right side legs place |
64.567 |
Dashboard |
After balancing the mass, we achieve our target mass that is 700kg as shown in the figure below and CG at the desired location
Applying Initial Velocity
To add initial velocity to the system in Hypercrash, we need to go to LoadCase > Initial Velocity.
For [Gnod_id] Support, we shall be selecting all the nodes in the model. The required velocity is 35 mph but the units are in mm/ms, which would be 15.6464 mm/ms. and vehicle is moving is along the y-axis, so this value will be entered in [Vy] Y Velocity. All other velocity values would be 0.
After entering the values, we can click save at the bottom of the panel.
now we will export the radios file from Hypercrash and import in to HyperMesh to do rest of the case setup
Create Contact Interfaces
For this model, we will create Type 7 interface for all the components of the model as it is self-impacting or the nodes and elements of the model will have contact between them. Interface TYPE7 is a multi-usage impact interface, modeling contact between a master surface and a group of slave nodes. It is also possible to consider heat transfer and heat friction.
We will go to Solver browser and we will delete all the existing interfaces.
Now create a new contact
Goto model browser >> Right-click >> Create >> Contact >> Rename as Self contact >> Select slave node and master components >> Enter Type 7 recommended properties
Self contact Type 7 card After creating self contact
check whether master and slave nodes selected proper
For that, right-click on self-contact >> Review
To create a cylindrical rigid wall at the left side of the car, we will need the outermost node at the front left door of the car. So we will create the outermost node on the element edge using temp nodes option. Then we will right-click in solver browser and navigate to Create > RWALL > CYL.
In the RWALL panel, under Engineering data we will specify the coordinates of the pole which will be at some distance from the outermost node on side door. Then we will give the normal direction to the pole in Z-axis and diameter of the pole to be 254 mm. The FRIC value will be 0.1 and Dsearch value will be 1000 as shown below.
The cylindrical rigid wall or the Pole will then be created as shown below.
Creating Cross Section –
The results which we want on required cross sectional parts will be calculated based on a frame of reference. So before creating cross section, we will create moving frames on a particular node of that section. Now as we have to create the moving frames which are also called as local axis, we have to perfectly align our local axis to the global axis. So for this, we will extract the node location or coordinates of a particular node on the section in nodes panel. Then we will offset the node in X-axis by 10 units and create a new node. Similarly, we will offset and create a node in Y-axis as shown below.
Now we can create moving frame using these nodes. In Solver browser, we will right click and navigate to Create > FRAME > MOV. So here, we will create frame by node reference and select the nodes for x-axis and xy plane and then click on create.
Thus a moving frame will be created. Now we will create cross-section for this frame. To create a cross-section, we will right-click on the Solver browser and navigate to Create > SECT > SECT. In section panel, we will specify the Frame_ID as the moving frame which we created and delta value as 0.1. From Hyperworks help menu, we get that the general value of alpha is taken as
Thus the cross section will be created as follows.
Similarly, we will create the cross sections at both the cross members as shown below.
Requesting Output file for Cross-sections created
After creating the cross sections, we will request the results in TH or time history. For this we will go to Output Blocks under Model browser. Then we will right click and create a new output block. Under Entity IDs option, we will select the cross section which we created and thus we will be able to measure sectional force passing through the cross members by creating plots in HyperGrapgh.
To Measure Intrusions –
Here, we need to find the intrusions at B-pillar, hinge pillar and fuel tank. So to find the results at the specified parts, we need to create spring between left and right parts of B-piller, Hinge-piller and fuel tank, for creating spring go to 1D -> SPRINGS -> SPRING2 and select 2 nodes as shown in figure below.
Spring created as shown in the figure below
Now we have to create property card for spring and assign it to the spring element created
Go to model Browser >> Create >> Property >> Rename as Intrusion springs
After creating a property, a new tab will open there we have to select CARD image as P4 SPRING and Mass as 0.001, and Stiffness as 0.001
Requesting output (Time History files) for spring
Inorder to measure intrusions on the spring, we have to request /TH/SPRING files, go to solver browser -> right-click create ->TH -> Spring
then select the entity ID is spring element created at each position as shown in figure below.
Peak velocity of inner node of the door –
To find peak velocity at the inner node of the door, we will create a moving frame at the node location by using right-click on solver browser -> create -> skew -> MOV
select the required node as origin node then select node to define x-axis and shown in figure below
Output request for peak velocity on Inner door
The next step is to create a Time History (TH) output specifically for this. For that, we can switch to the model browser and create a new output block, this time for peak velocity (right-click > create > output blocks). The entity ID is going to be just the one node - node 337773 and for lskew, we shall be selecting the skew created previously.
output files requested are as shown in table below
Output Requests |
Boundary Conditions |
i. Self-Impact
i. Intrusion on the Fuel tank ii. Intrusion on the B-Pillar iii. Intrusion on the Hinge pillar |
i. Driver Rail ii. B-Pillar Rail
i. Peak velocity node on (NODE ID 335875) |
Time Step and Run time –
To check these parameters in Hypermesh, we will navigate to Cards under Model browser. To check the run time, For the time step, we will input timestep value as shown in table below
Engine Card |
TSCALE [Scale factor] |
Tmin [Critical Timestep] |
Description |
0.67 |
0.001 |
Mass is added to the node when the computed timestep becomes smaller than the critical timestep. |
0.9 |
0.0001 |
Controls the timestep by small strain formulation on the elements if they cause the timestep to drop. |
0.67 |
0.0005 |
Uses the default constant timestep method. |
we will open ENG_RUN card and input run time in Tstop as 80 ms.
Go to ENG_ANIM_DT card enter T freq as 5
Finally, before carrying out the RADIOSS analysis, an error check was run on the file through Hypermesh. The model check tool can be accessed through Tools>>model Checker>> Radioss Block.
Switching to Hypermesh, moving to Analysis > radioss, we can click 'save as' to save the file if it hasn't been saved yet. Care must be taken to include '_0000.rad' in the file name since it's the starter file. After that, we can check the connectors option and input '-nt 4' in the options bar before clicking 'Radioss'. This starts the Radioss simulation.
The next step is to carry out energy error and mass error checks and this is done by analyzing the RADIOSS engine output file. This can be accessed from the same directory as the starter and engine files and is denoted by the '.out' extension. The file in question contains '_0001.out' and can be accessed using any text editor - such as Notepad++.
Total Simulation Time: 7629.78 s
Total Number of cycles: 340733
Results & Animations-
To view the simulation, we can switch to Hyperview through the client selector.
In Hyperview, we will need to import the h3d variant of the file. After importing, we can then select the 'contour' tool to switch to the Von Mises contour so we can analyze the stresses that form within the BIW in the simulation. This is what the simulation looks like:
Displacement contour plot
Von Mises stress contour plot
From the Von Mises stress plot, we can say that the stress distribution is quite good in the vehicle after the crash. There are very few areas where we can see stress concentration. Generally the stress is more in B-pillar and cross members as B-pillar takes the initial impact and then the impact is transferred to the cross members.
From the simulation, we can see that initially, the car is hitting the R-wall cylinder with a velocity of 35mph, while the first impact is with B-Pillar then the forces going to transferred to the left and right and front direction in the roof rail and cross members in the bottom as shown in below figure. In each stage, transfer of force is going to reduce because energy absorbed by the components
After generating the simulation, we can then go ahead and generate the plots. Using the same client selector, we can switch to Hypergraph. In the Hypergraph client, we need to import time history file T01 file
On importing, we can build the plots using different variables. We shall first look at general plots of energies and rigid wall forces generated in and by the entire BIW respectively.
Global Variable - Energies
Sectional force on Cross-member:
Cross-members are very crucial in the side-impact analysis as these components prevent the body to shrink or deform inward. When the car hits the rigid body maximum amount of forces will pass through the cross member of the base and roof. This component along with door bar and support, door outer, B pillar, and rocker are also involved in the majority to prevent deforming. But the forces acting on every other component eventually pass from the cross member.
The max sectional force at the B-pillar cross member is 5.67 KN at 75.5 ms and for the driver seat cross member it is 2.78 KN at 39.5 ms.
Peak velocity at Inner Door-
Intrusion inside the car at B pillar, hinge pillar, and fuel tank-
Side crash analysis was carried out on the given BIW model of the Dodge Neon as per requirements. The output requests were also generated after the creation of cross-sections in each of those regions. Peak velocity and intrusion values were also measured at certain points of the model.
Fuel tank intrusion and intrusions, in general, could be reduced by using anti-intrusion beams (or side-impact beams) between the pillars. They increase the rigidity of the doors and distribute the energy in the event of a side-on crash. The model already does have such beams as shown:
There may be stronger options for anti-intrusion bars but there is the weight-to-cost factor that might be a major factor. There are multiple materials other than steel such as aluminium and composites being tested that are lightweight but effectiveness is more or less comparable. If more bars can be used, that could be an option as well.
Otherwise, another option is to simply add an extra cross member next to the fuel tank to reinforce that region.
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