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Objective: To simulate the isentropic flow through a Quasi 1D subsonic nozzle by deriving both the conservation and non-conservation forms of the governing equations and solve them by implementing MacCormack's technique using MATLAB. Problem: We need to show the following plots inside your reportSteady-state distribution…
Ravi Shankar Yadav
updated on 04 Jan 2022
To simulate the isentropic flow through a Quasi 1D subsonic nozzle by deriving both the conservation and non-conservation forms of the governing equations and solve them by implementing MacCormack's technique using MATLAB.
1-D Flow
A quasi-one-dimensional flow is one in which all variables vary primarily along one direction (say in the x-direction).
Nozzle Diagram
We consider the flow distribution only in the x-direction.
The flow at the inlet of the nozzle comes from the reservoir. The cross-section area of the reservoir is very large and hence velocity is very small. The flow is locally subsonic in the convergent section of the nozzle, and Sonic at the throat, and Supersonic at the divergent section.
Governing Equations
Non Conservative Form
(In this form, the control volume is moving)
Continuity Equation
Momentum Equation
Energy Equation
Conservative Form
(In this form, the control volume is stationary)
Continuity Equation
Momentum Equation
Energy Equation
For air at standard condition, γ=1.4
Non Dimensional Quantities
V′=Va0, where a0is speed of sound
Macormack Method
To discretize the solution we use this method.
We will be doing time marching to solve.
This is done in two steps, A Predictor Step and then Corrector Step.
In this, we do forward differencing of space terms.
Main Program Code
% Solving Quasi 1D supersonic nozzle flow equation
% For both Conservative and Non-Conservative form
% of governing equations
clear all
close all
% Inputs
% number of grid points
% We take user input to change number of grids [31,62,93]
n = input('Number of grids: ');
l = 3;
x = linspace(0,l,n);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
gamma = 1.4;
% number of time step
nt = 1400;
% Courant Number
C = 0.5;
% Function for non-conservative form
[mass_flow_rate_NC, pressure_NC, mach_number_NC, rho_NC, v_NC, T_NC, rho_throat_NC, v_throat_NC, T_throat_NC, mass_flow_rate_throat_NC, pressure_throat_NC, mach_number_throat_NC] = non_conservative_form(x, dx, n, gamma, nt, C);
time_elapsed_NC = toc;
fprintf('Time Elasped for Non Conservative form: %0.4f\n', time_elapsed_NC);
hold on
% Plottings
% Timestep variation of properties at throat area for non-conservative form
% Density
legend('Density at throat');
axis([0 1400 0 1.3]);
grid on;
title('Timestep variation at throat area - Non Conservative Form')
% Temperature
legend('Temperature at throat');
axis([0 1400 0.6 1]);
grid on;
% Pressure
legend('Pressure at throat');
axis([0 1400 0.4 1.1]);
grid on
% Mach Number
ylabel('Mach Number')
legend('Mach Number at throat');
axis([0 1400 0.6 1.4]);
grid on;
% Steady-state simulation for non-conservative form
% Density
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
title('Variation of Flow Rate Distribution-Non Conservative Form')
% Temperature
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
% Pressure
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
% Mach number
xlabel('Nozzle Length')
ylabel('Mach number')
legend({'Mach number'});
axis([0 3 0 4])
grid on;
% Function for conservative form
[mass_flow_rate_C, pressure_C, mach_number_C, rho_C, v_C, T_C, rho_throat_C, v_throat_C, T_throat_C, mass_flow_rate_throat_C, pressure_throat_C, mach_number_throat_C] = conservative_form(x, dx, n, gamma, nt, C);
time_elasped_C = toc;
fprintf('Time Elasped for Conservative form: %d\n', time_elasped_C);
% Plotting
% Timestep variation of properties at throat area in Conservative form
% Density
legend({'Density at throat'});
axis([0 1400 0 1]);
grid on;
title('Timestep variation at throat area-Conservative form')
% Temperature
legend({'Temperature at throat'});
axis([0 1400 0.6 1]);
grid on;
% Pressure
legend({'Pressure at throat'});
axis([0 1400 0.2 0.8]);
grid on;
% Mach Number
ylabel('Mach Number')
legend({'Mach Number at throat'});
axis([0 1400 0.6 1.4]);
grid on;
% Steady-state simulation for Non-Conservative form
% Density
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
title('Variation of Flow Rate Distribution-Conservative form')
% Temperature
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
% Pressure
axis([0 3 0 1])
grid on;
% Mach number
xlabel('Nozzle Length')
ylabel('Mach number')
legend({'Mach number'});
axis([0 3 0 4])
grid on;
% Comparison of Normalized mass flow rate distributions of both forms
hold on;
hold on;
grid on
legend('Non Conservative Form','Conservative Form');
xlabel('Length of the Domain')
ylabel('Mass Flow Rate')
title('Comparison of Normalized mass flow rate of both forms')
% Grid independency test graphs
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC)
hold on
xlabel('Time Steps')
ylabel('Mass flow rate')
title(['Non-Conservative Form: Grid independeancy test at throat at node, n = ',num2str(n)])
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C)
hold on
xlabel('Time Steps')
ylabel('Mass flow rate')
title(['Conservative Form: Grid independeancy test at throat at node, n = ',num2str(n)])
Function calling for Non- Conservative Form
% Function for Non-Conservative form
function [mass_flow_rate_NC, pressure_NC, mach_number_NC, rho_NC, v_NC, T_NC, rho_throat_NC, v_throat_NC, T_throat_NC, mass_flow_rate_throat_NC, pressure_throat_NC, mach_number_throat_NC] = non_conservative_form(x, dx, n, gamma, nt, C)
% Calculate intial profiles
rho_NC = 1 - 0.3146*x;
T_NC = 1 - 0.2341*x;
v_NC = (0.1 + 1.09*x).*T_NC.^0.5;
% Area
a = 1 + 2.2*(x - 1.5).^2;
% Outer time loop
for k = 1:nt
%Time-step control
dt = min(C.*dx./(sqrt(T_NC) + v_NC));
% Saving a copy of Old Values
rho_old = rho_NC;
T_old = T_NC;
v_old = v_NC;
% Predictor method
for j = 2:n-1
% Simplifying the equation in simple terms
dv_dx = (v_NC(j + 1) - v_NC(j))/dx;
drho_dx = (rho_NC(j + 1) - rho_NC(j))/dx;
dT_dx = (T_NC(j + 1) - T_NC(j))/dx;
dlog_a_dx = (log(a(j + 1)) - log(a(j)))/dx;
% Continuity equation
drho_dt_P(j) = -rho_NC(j)*dv_dx - rho_NC(j)*v_NC(j)*dlog_a_dx - v_NC(j)*drho_dx;
% Momentum equation
dv_dt_P(j) = -v_NC(j)*dv_dx - (1/gamma)*(dT_dx + (T_NC(j)*drho_dx/rho_NC(j)));
% Energy equation
dT_dt_P(j) = -v_NC(j)*dT_dx - (gamma - 1)*T_NC(j)*(dv_dx + v_NC(j)*dlog_a_dx);
%Solution Update
rho_NC(j) = rho_NC(j) + drho_dt_P(j)*dt;
v_NC(j) = v_NC(j) + dv_dt_P(j)*dt;
T_NC(j) = T_NC(j) + dT_dt_P(j)*dt;
% Corrector method
for j = 2:n-1
%Simplifying the equation in simple terms
dv_dx = (v_NC(j) - v_NC(j - 1))/dx;
drho_dx = (rho_NC(j) - rho_NC(j - 1))/dx;
dT_dx = (T_NC(j) - T_NC(j - 1))/dx;
dlog_a_dx = (log(a(j)) - log(a(j - 1)))/dx;
% Continuity equation
drho_dt_C(j) = - rho_NC(j)*dv_dx - rho_NC(j)*v_NC(j)*dlog_a_dx - v_NC(j)*drho_dx;
% Momentum equation
dv_dt_C(j) = - v_NC(j)*dv_dx - (1/gamma)*(dT_dx + (T_NC(j)*drho_dx/rho_NC(j)));
% Energy equation
dT_dt_C(j) = - v_NC(j)*dT_dx - (gamma - 1)*T_NC(j)*(dv_dx + v_NC(j)*dlog_a_dx);
% Compute average time derivative
drho_dt = 0.5.*(drho_dt_P + drho_dt_C);
dv_dt = 0.5.*(dv_dt_P + dv_dt_C);
dT_dt = 0.5.*(dT_dt_P + dT_dt_C);
% Final solution update
for i = 2:n-1
rho_NC(i) = rho_old(i) + drho_dt(i)*dt;
v_NC(i) = v_old(i) + dv_dt(i)*dt;
T_NC(i) = T_old(i) + dT_dt(i)*dt;
% Applying boundary conditions
% Inlet
rho_NC(1) = 1;
v_NC(1) = 2*v_NC(2) - v_NC(3);
T_NC(1) = 1;
% Outlet
rho_NC(n) = 2*rho_NC(n-1) - rho_NC(n - 2);
v_NC(n) = 2*v_NC(n - 1) - v_NC(n - 2);
T_NC(n) = 2*T_NC(n - 1) - T_NC(n - 2);
% Defining Mass flow rate, Pressure and Mach number
mass_flow_rate_NC = rho_NC.*a.*v_NC;
pressure_NC = rho_NC.*T_NC;
mach_number_NC = (v_NC./sqrt(T_NC));
% Calculating Variables at throat section
rho_throat_NC(k) = rho_NC(16);
T_throat_NC(k) = T_NC(16);
v_throat_NC(k) = v_NC(16);
mass_flow_rate_throat_NC(k) = mass_flow_rate_NC(16);
pressure_throat_NC(k) = pressure_NC(16);
mach_number_throat_NC(k) = mach_number_NC(16);
% Plotting
% Comparison of non-dimensional Mass flow rates at different time steps
if k == 50
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC, 'm', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 100
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC, 'c', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 200
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC, 'g', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 400
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC, 'y', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 800
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_NC, 'k', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
% Label
title('Mass flow rates at different Timesteps - Non Conservative Form')
ylabel('Mass flow rate')
legend('50^t^h Timestep','100^t^h Timestep','200^t^h Timestep','400^t^h Timestep','800^t^h Timestep')
axis([0 3 0 2])
grid on
Function calling for Conservative Form
% Function for Conservative form
function [mass_flow_rate_C, pressure_C, mach_number_C, rho_C, v_C, T_C, rho_throat_C, v_throat_C, T_throat_C, mass_flow_rate_throat_C, pressure_throat_C, mach_number_throat_C] = conservative_form(x, dx, n, gamma, nt, C)
nt = 1400;
x = linspace(0,3,n);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
% Calculate intial profiles
for i = 1:n
if (x(i) >= 0 && x(i) <= 0.5 )
rho_C(i) = 1;
T_C(i) = 1;
elseif (x(i) >0.5 && x(i) <=1.5)
rho_C(i) = 1 - 0.366*(x(i)-0.5);
T_C(i) = 1 - 0.167*(x(i)-0.5);
elseif (x(i) >1.5 && x(i) <=3.5)
rho_C(i) = 0.634 - 0.3879*(x(i)-1.5);
T_C(i) = 0.833 - 0.3507*(x(i)-1.5);
% Area
a = 1 + 2.2*(x - 1.5).^2;
gamma = 1.4;
% Initial profile
v_C = 0.59./(rho_C.*a);
pressure_C = rho_C.*T_C;
% Calculate initial solution vectors
U1 = rho_C.*a;
U2 = rho_C.*a.*v_C;
U3 = rho_C.*a.*((T_C./(gamma-1))+((gamma/2).*v_C.^2));
% Outer time loop
for k = 1:nt
% Time step control
dt = min(C.*dx./(sqrt(T_C) + v_C));
% Saving a copy of Old Values
U1_old = U1;
U2_old = U2;
U3_old = U3;
% Calculating flux vector
F1 = U2;
F2 = ((U2.^2)./U1) + ((gamma-1)/gamma)*(U3 -(gamma/2)*((U2.^2)./U1));
F3 = ((gamma*U2.*U3)./U1) - (gamma*(gamma-1)*((U2.^3)./(2*U1.^2)));
% Predictor method
for j = 2:n-1
% Calculating the Source term(J)
J2(j) = (1/gamma)*rho_C(j)*T_C(j)*((a(j + 1) - a(j))/dx);
% Continuity equation
dU1_dt_P(j) = -((F1(j + 1) - F1(j))/dx);
% Momentum equation
dU2_dt_P(j) = -((F2(j + 1) - F2(j))/dx) + J2(j);
% Energy equation
dU3_dt_P(j) = -((F3(j + 1) - F3(j))/dx);
%Updating new values
U1(j) = U1_old(j) + dU1_dt_P(j)*dt;
U2(j) = U2_old(j) + dU2_dt_P(j)*dt;
U3(j) = U3_old(j) + dU3_dt_P(j)*dt;
rho_C = U1./a;
v_C = U2./U1;
T_C = (gamma-1).*(U3./U1 - (gamma/2).*(U2./U1).^2);
pressure_C = rho_C.*T_C;
% Updating flux vectors
F1 = U2;
F2 = ((U2.^2)./U1) + ((gamma - 1)/gamma)*(U3 - ((gamma*0.5*(U2.^2))./(U1)));
F3 = ((gamma.*U2.*U3)./U1) - ((gamma*0.5*(gamma - 1)*(U2.^3))./(U1.^2));
% Corrector method
for j = 2:n-1
% Updating the Source term(J)
J2(j) = (1/gamma)*rho_C(j)*T_C(j)*((a(j) - a(j - 1))/dx);
% Simplifying the equation in simple terms
dU1_dt_C(j) = -((F1(j) - F1(j - 1))/dx);
dU2_dt_C(j) = -((F2(j) - F2(j - 1))/dx) + J2(j);
dU3_dt_C(j) = -((F3(j) - F3(j - 1))/dx);
% Compute average time derivative
dU1_dt = 0.5*(dU1_dt_P + dU1_dt_C);
dU2_dt = 0.5*(dU2_dt_P + dU2_dt_C);
dU3_dt = 0.5*(dU3_dt_P + dU3_dt_C);
% Final solution update
for i = 2:n-1
U1(i) = U1_old(i) + dU1_dt(i)*dt;
U2(i) = U2_old(i) + dU2_dt(i)*dt;
U3(i) = U3_old(i) + dU3_dt(i)*dt;
% Applying boundary conditions
% Inlet
U1(1) = rho_C(1)*a(1);
U2(1) = 2*U2(2) - U2(3);
v_C(1) = U2(1)./U1(1);
U3(1) = U1(1)*((T_C(1)/(gamma - 1)) + ((gamma/2)*(v_C(1)).^2));
% Outlet
U1(n) = 2*U1(n - 1) - U1(n - 2);
U2(n) = 2*U2(n - 1) - U2(n - 2);
U3(n) = 2*U3(n - 1) - U3(n - 2);
% Final value update
rho_C = U1./a;
v_C = U2./U1;
T_C = (gamma - 1)*((U3./U1 - (gamma/2)*(v_C).^2));
% Defining mass flow rate, Pressure and Mach number
mass_flow_rate_C = rho_C.*a.*v_C;
pressure_C = rho_C.*T_C;
mach_number_C = (v_C./sqrt(T_C));
% Calculating Variables at throat section
rho_throat_C(k) = rho_C(16);
T_throat_C(k) = T_C(16);
v_throat_C(k) = v_C(16);
mass_flow_rate_throat_C(k) = mass_flow_rate_C(16);
pressure_throat_C(k) = pressure_C(16);
mach_number_throat_C(k) = mach_number_C(16);
% Plotting
% Comparison of non dimensional Mass flow rates at different time steps
if k == 50
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C, 'm', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 100
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C, 'c', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 200
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C, 'g', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 400
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C, 'y', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
elseif k == 800
plot(x, mass_flow_rate_C, 'k', 'linewidth', 2);
hold on
% Label
title('Mass flow rates at different Timesteps - Conservative Form')
ylabel('Mass flow rate')
legend('50^t^h Timestep','100^t^h Timestep','200^t^h Timestep','400^t^h Timestep','800^t^h Timestep')
axis([0 3 0.4 1])
grid on
Time steps variation of the primitive variable at Throat area
Non Conservative Form
Conservative Form
From the above plots, we can observe that due to initial variations time taken to be stable are more in the Non-Conservative form when compared to Conservative Form.
Variation of Flow Rate Distribution
Non Conservative Form
Conservative Form
From the above plots, we can observe that for both Non-Conservative and Conservative forms graphs are the same as they have the same solution.
Mass flow rates at different Timesteps
Non Conservative form
Conservative Form
From above both plots we can observe that as the number of steps increases mass flow rate becomes stable.
Comparison Plot of Normalized Mass Flow Rate of both Non-Conservative Form & Conservative Form
From the above plots, we can observe that the Conservative form attains stability in a lesser number of iterations.
The non-Conservative form oscillates much when compared to the Conservative form. The Conservative form gives an almost stable solution along the length.
Grid Independence Test
The mass flow rate variation in the nozzle for different grid numbers
From the above plots, we can observe that there is a slight change at the throat area alone in the conservative form, which is not considered significant.
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