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Aim: To solves the ODE which represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping. Objective: To write a program that solves the following ODE which represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping and create an animated video of output obtains by solving this ODE. Theory:…
Shubhranshu Mishra
updated on 03 Jul 2020
Aim: To solves the ODE which represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping.
To write a program that solves the following ODE which represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping and create an animated video of output obtains by solving this ODE.
The motion of a simple pendulum is a basic classical example of simple harmonic motion, consisting of a small bob and a massless string. Movement of the pendulum depends on Newton's second law. When this law is written down, a second-order Ordinary Differential Equation is formed that describes the position of the end of the pendulum w.r.t time.
fig: Simple Pendulum (with FBD)
Equation of motion is:
In the above equation,
Since the given function is in the second-order differential equation we will convert it into first order to solve the ODE.
Input :
%program to simulate the transient behaviour of a simple pendulum
clear all
close all
b = 0.05;
g = 9.81;
l = 1;
m = 1;
% initial condition
theta_0 = [0;3];
% time points
t_span = linspace(0,20,500);
% solve ODE
[t, results] = ode45(@(t,theta) ode_func(t,theta,b,g,l,m),t_span, theta_0);
% ploting
hold on
xlabel('Time in sec')
% Iteration using for loop to create animation of simple pendulum
theta_1 = results(:,1);
for i= 1:length(results(:,1))
% initial co-ordinates
x_start= 0;
y_start= 0;
theta_2 = theta_1(i);
% final co-ordinates
x_end = 1*sin(theta_2);
y_end = -1*cos(theta_2);
% ploting for animation
% base of pendulum
plot([-1,1],[0,0], 'linewidth',4,'color','black')
hold on
% string of pendulum
line([x_start x_end],[y_start y_end],'linewidth',6,'color','b')
hold on
% bob of pendulum
plot(x_end,y_end,'marker','o','markersize', 28,'markerfacecolor','r')
axis([-2 2 -2 2])
hold off
% creating movie from captured frames
videofile = VideoWriter('simple_pendulum.avi','uncompressed AVI');
Code for Function program:
function [dtheta_dt] = ode_func(t,theta,b,g,l,m)
theta1 = theta(1)
theta2 = theta(2)
dtheta1_dt = theta2;
dtheta2_dt = -(b/m)*theta2 - (g/l)*sin(theta1);
dtheta_dt = [dtheta1_dt; dtheta2_dt];
Detail explanation each step of the program:
1. In the first step Input and initial condition of a simple pendulum are fed.
2. Then the program is written to solve the ODE in which Matlab inbuilt function (ode45) is used with constant theta, t, and another function is used, which is defined separately in function program.
3. In the next step result of solved ODE is plotted w.r.t time using plot command.
4. Now iteration of co-ordinate is fed using for loop to create animation.
5. Then plot command is used to plot pendulum string and bob.
6. In the next step, the move command is used to create an animated video of the oscillating pendulum.
1. The output obtained is graphical representation velocity curve and displacement curve w.r.t Time.
Various Error faced during programing are followed:
1. Spelling mistake in writing function program.
By correcting spelling mistakes from the function program by reviewing each line of the program.
2. Typing mistake in plotting Bob of the pendulum.
By replacing "o" to "0" (Zero) in, plot(x_end,y_end,'marker','o','markersize', 28,'markerfacecolor','r') command.
3. The pendulum starts oscillating in an inverted direction in an animated video.
The final co-ordinate, y_end = 1*cos(theta_2 ) changed to y_end = -1*cos(theta_2 )
The simulation of the transient behavior of a simple pendulum is successfully created by using a program in MATLAB.
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