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AIR STANDARD CYCLE USING PYTHON AIM To write a program in python to solve the otto cycle and plot the graph. OBJECTIVE To solve different state variables in the otto cycle and plot p-v diagram. To calculate thermal efficiency for the given parameters in…
updated on 13 Apr 2021
To write a program in python to solve the otto cycle and plot the graph.
The Otto cycle consists of isentropic compression, heat addition at constant volume, isentropic expansion, and rejection of heat at constant volume. In the case of a four-stroke Otto cycle, technically there are two additional processes: one for the exhaust of waste heat and combustion products at constant pressure (isobaric), and one for the intake of cool oxygen-rich air also at constant pressure; however, these are often omitted in a simplified analysis. Even though those two processes are critical to the functioning of a real engine, wherein the details of heat transfer and combustion chemistry are relevant, for the simplified analysis of the thermodynamic cycle, it is more convenient to assume that all of the waste heat is removed during a single volume change.
The formula to find volume is given below.
The formula to find thermal efficiency is given below
Here the term k is denoted as gamma in the program
r is denoted as cr in the program
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,start_angle,end_angle):
#engine parameters
a = stroke/2
R = con_rod/a
v_s = (math.pi/4) * pow(bore,2) * stroke
v_c = v_s/(cr -1)
sc = math.radians(start_angle)
ec = math.radians(end_angle)
num_values = 50
dtheta = (ec-sc)/(num_values - 1)
v = []
for i in range (0,num_values):
theta = sc + i * dtheta
term1 = 0.5*(cr-1)
term2 = R+1-math.cos(theta)
term3 = pow(R,2) - pow(math.sin(theta),2)
term3 = pow(term3,0.5)
return v
p1 = 101325
t1 = 500
gamma = 1.4
t3 = 2300
#Geomentric parameter
bore = 0.1
stroke = 0.1
con_rod = 0.15
cr = 12
#volume computation
v_s = (math.pi/4) * pow(bore,2)*stroke
v_c = v_s/(cr-1)
v1 = v_s+v_c
#state point 2
v2 = v_c
#p2v2^gama = p1v1^gama
p2 = p1*pow(v1,gamma)/pow(v2,gamma)
#p2v2/t2 = p1v1/t1 | rhs = p1v1/t1 | p2v2/t2 = rhs
#t2 = p2v2/rhs
rhs = p1*v1/t1
t2 = p2*v2/rhs
v_compression = engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,180,0)
constant = p1*pow(v1,gamma)
p_compression = []
for V in v_compression:
#state point 3
v3 = v2
#p3v3/t3 = p2v2/t2 | rhs = p2v2/t2 | p3 = rhs *t3/v3
rhs = p2*v2/t2
p3 = rhs*t3/v3
v_expansion = engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,0,180)
constant = p3*pow(v3,gamma)
p_expansion = []
for V in v_expansion:
# state point 4
v4 = v1
#p4v4^gama = p3v3^gamma
p4 = p3*pow(v3,gamma)/pow(v4,gamma)
#p4v4/t4 = rhs
t4 = p4*v4/rhs
plt.title('pressure vs volume')
#thermal efficiency
thermal_efficiency = 1-(1/(pow(cr,(gamma-1))))
print ('Thermal efficiency is : ',thermal_efficiency)
The p-v diagram for the otto cycle
The thermal efficiency is 62.9%
The desired p-v diagram of the otto cycle is plotted using python programming language by using an array of volume and different crank angles.
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