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SOLVING SECOND ORDER EQUATION USING PYTHONAIM Using second ODE to describe the transient behaviour of a system of simple pendulum on python scripting.OBJECTIVE In Engineering,…
updated on 19 Apr 2021
Using second ODE to describe the transient behaviour of a system of simple pendulum on python scripting.
In Engineering, ODE is used to describe the transient behavior of a system. A simple example is a pendulum
The way the pendulum moves depends on the Newtons second law. When this law is written down, we get a second order Ordinary Differential Equation that describes the position of the "ball" w.r.t time.
Similarly, there are hundreds of ODEs that describe key phenomena and if you have the ability to solve these equations then you will be able to simulate any of theses systems.
Your objective is to write a program that solves the following ODE. This ODE represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping
In the above equation,
g = gravity in m/s2,
L = length of the pendulum in m,
m = mass of the ball in kg,
b=damping coefficient.
Write a program in Python that will simulate the pendulum motion, just like the one shown in the start of this challenge.
L=1 metre,
m=1 kg,
g=9.81 m/s2.
Simulate the motion between 0-20 sec, for angular displacement=0,angular velocity=3 rad/sec at time t=0.
# stimulation of pendulum import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint # Function def mode1(theta,t,b,g,l,m): theta_1 = theta[0] theta_2 = theta[1] dtheta1_dt = theta_2 dtheta2_dt = -(b/m) * theta_2 - ((g/l) * math.sin(theta_1)) dtheta_dt = [dtheta1_dt , dtheta2_dt] return dtheta_dt # input b = 0.05 g = 9.81 l = 1 m = 1 # initial condition theta_0 = [ 0,3] # time point t = np.linspace(0,20,150) # solve ODE theta =odeint(mode1,theta_0,t,args=(b,g,l,m)) a = theta[:,0] # plot plt.figure(1) plt.plot (t, theta [:,0], 'b--',label=r'$\frac{d\theta_1}{dt}=\theta_2 $') plt.plot (t, theta [:,1], 'r--',label=r'$\frac{d\theta_2}{dt}=-1\frac{b}{m}\theta_2-\frac{g}{L}sin\theta_1 $') plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('plot') plt.legend([0,12]) plt.legend (loc='best') #Animation THETA3 = [] for theta3 in theta[:,0]: THETA3.append(theta3) ct = 1 for THETA4 in THETA3: x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = 1*math.sin(THETA4) y1 =-1*math.cos(THETA4) filename='pendulum%05d.png'%ct ct=ct+1 plt.figure(2) plt.plot([-0.2,0.2],[0,0]) plt.plot([x0,x1],[y0,y1]) plt.plot(x1,y1,'-o') plt.xlim([-1.5,1.5]) plt.ylim([-1.5,1]) plt.title('Motion of Pendulum') plt.savefig(filename)
Invalid Syntax error for scipy.integrate.
Used syntax as from scipy.integrate import odeint
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