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Aim: To solve steady and unsteady two dimensional heat conduction equation using implicit and explicit methods. Objectives: 1. Write a MATLAB code to solve steady state two dimensional heat conduction equation using implicit method. 2. Write a MATLAB code to solve unsteady (transient) state two dimensional…
Tanmay Pathak
updated on 14 Jul 2021
Aim: To solve steady and unsteady two dimensional heat conduction equation using implicit and explicit methods.
1. Write a MATLAB code to solve steady state two dimensional heat conduction equation using implicit method.
2. Write a MATLAB code to solve unsteady (transient) state two dimensional heat conduction equation using explicit method.
3. Write a MATLAB code to solve unsteady (transient) state two dimensional heat conduction equation using implicit method.
4. Plot the results and compare the efficacy of an iterative solver.
Heat equation is partial differential equation used to describe distribution of some quantity (such as heat) over a domain from high concentration to low concentration as a function of time. Heat equation can be described in one, two and three dimensions.
Three-dimensional heat conduction equation,
∂T∂t = Rate of change of temperature as a function of time / Time derivative
∂2T∂x2+∂2T∂y2+∂2T∂z2 = Rate of change of temperature in cartesian co-ordinates (x,y,z) / Spatial derivatives
α = Thermal diffusivity of the medium.
However, in this analysis two dimensional heat equation is used, it can be given as,
Types of methods:
1. Explicit method: In explicit methods, the parameters are calculated based on known values of previous time levels.
e.g: xn+1=xn+zn
Here, LHS has the value to be evaluated and RHS has all the known values of previous time-step.
2. Implicit method: In implicit methods, parameters are dependent on each other at the same time level.
e.g: xn+1=xn+zn+1
Here, LHS has the value to be evaluated and RHS has dependent value zn+1on xn. In simple words, both the LHS and RHS has unknown values (values to be calculated) which will be calculated as the iteration/generation progresses.
These methods are employed in solving steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction equation.
Derivation for steady and transient state two-dimensional heat conduction equation:
1. Steady state two-dimensional heat conduction equation:
Note: Refer node stencil to calculate T at various i and j positions.
Here, middle node is the concern for calculation and it will extract information from left, right, bottom and top node to evaluate itself.
Introducing some shortcuts for ease,
Tp=T(i,j) ; TR=T(i+1),j ; TL=T(i−1),j; TT=Ti,(j+1) ; TB=Ti,(j−1)
Now, simplifying the above equation, the equation becomes,
Assuming △x2=△y2, i.e. Equal discretization in X and Y dimensions (Nodes in X = Nodes in Y)
Upon further simplification, we get,
From the calculation point of view, the equation can be modified as,
This is the final equation which will assist in calculating temperature distribution over a domain for steady state condition.
The steady state heat conduction is solved by implicit method using iterative solvers. The three types of iterative solvers are,
A) Jacobi Iteration Method
B) Gauss-Seidel Method
C) Successive Over-relaxation method
A) Jacobi Iteration Method:
In Jacobi method, during the calculations for a particular iteration, the known values are all from previous iteration.
2D steady state heat conduction equation can be given as,
Tn+1nodeposition denotes the new value to be calculated at time step n+1
Tnnodeposition denotes the calculated values at the previous/initial condition at time step n
B) Gauss-Seidel Method:
In Gauss-Seidel method, the resulted variables are used in further computations as soon as they are updated. The known values are a mix of variable values from the previous iteration as well as variable values that already have been updated in the current iteration.
2D steady state heat conduction equation for Gauss-Seidel method can be given as,
Tn+1nodeposition denotes the new value to be calculated at time step n+1
Tnnodeposition denotes the calculated values at the previous/initial condition at time step n
C) Successive Over-relaxation method:
It is a variant of Gauss-Seidel method for solving linear system of equations, which results as a catalyst for convergence. It basically accelerates a slow iterative process and results in faster convergence.
It uses a relaxation factor which lies in between 0<ω<2. By multiplying relaxation factor to the original Gauss-Seidel equation and adding difference of relaxation factor from unity and taking product of the value resulted in the previous iteration enhances the speed of convergence.
2D steady state heat conduction equation for Successive Over-relaxation (SOR) method can be given as,
ω = Relaxation factor
Tn+1nodeposition denotes the new value to be calculated at time step n+1
Tnnodeposition denotes the calculated values at the previous/initial condition at time step n
2. Unsteady (Transient) state two-dimensional heat conduction equation:
The variation of temperature in time at any place within the domain is called as Unsteady or Transient conduction. There is time dependence of temperature fields in the domain.
Unsteady (Transient) state two dimensional heat conduction equation can be given as,
In laplacian, it can be written as,
Discretizing the partial differential equation by taking forward difference in time and central diffrence in space, we get,
Using similar shortcuts as above, the equation becomes,
The above equation is 2D transient heat conduction equation obtained by using explicit method.
And for Implicit method, recall the above equation, and change the time step to (n+1),
Introducing some constants,
k1=α△t△x2 and k2=α△t△y2
Simplifying the above equation,
Taking all the (n+1) terms to the left side of the equation, we get,
Taking Tn+1P common, then equation becomes,
Transferring (1+2k1+2k2) to the right side of the equation, we get,
Note: For any iteration,
TnP= This value will be known/input and it should not change within an iteration.
And, all the values except the above stated must change with/within an each iteration.
From calculation point of view, the above equation can be modified as,
This is 2D transient heat conduction equation obtained by using implicit method.
Implicit method:
To calculate Unsteady (Transient) state heat conduction by implicit method using iterative solvers. The three types of iterative solvers are,
A) Jacobi Iteration Method
B) Gauss-Seidel Method
C) Successive Over-relaxation method
A) Jacobi Iteration Method:
The unsteady state heat conduction equation using Jacobi Iteration method can be given as,
As in Jacobi's Iteration method, all the known values of temperature are taken from previous iteration / initial condition and new temperature is calculated accordingly.
B) Gauss-Seidel Method:
The unsteady state heat conduction equation using Gauss-Seidel method can be given as,
Here in Gauss-Seidel method, as soon as the previous values get updated, they are used in computation within an iteration.
C) Successive Over-relaxation method:
The unsteady state heat conduction equation using Successive Over-relaxation (SOR) method can be given as,
The SOR method generally modifies the gauss seidel a bit by introducing an constant called as relaxation factor. By using this method to a slow iterative process, the speed of convergence get enhanced.
Here modifying ωsuch that ω>1is termed as Over-relaxation and ω<1is known as Under-relaxation. By using over-relaxation factor, the number of iterations required to meet convergence criteria get's reduced.
The above resulted all the equations will assist to solve steady and unsteady state 2D heat conduction equation.
The length of the domain = l = 1m;
Nodes in x and y dimensions = nx = ny = 10;
Initial temperature of the domain irrespective of the boundary condition = 300 K
Boundary conditions:
1. Steady state two dimensional heat conduction equation:
Implicit Method:
MATLAB code:
% Steady heat conduction equation is given as,
%(d^2T/dx^2 + d^2T/dy^2)= 0
%% Implicit method
clear all
close all
% Length of the domain
l = 1;
% To discretize the domain
% X variables
nx = 10;
x = linspace(0,l,nx);
dx = l/(nx-1);
% Y variables
ny = 10;
y = x;
dy = l/(ny-1);
% Apply boundary condition to the domain
Tl = 400;
Tr = 800;
Tb = 900;
Tt = 600;
% Initializing temperature
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
% Temperature distribution at the boundaries
T(2:ny -1,1)= Tl;
T(2:ny -1,nx)= Tr;
T(1,2:nx - 1) = Tt;
T(ny,2:nx - 1) = Tb;
% Temperature at the corners
T(1,1) = (Tl+Tt)/2;
T(1,end) = (Tr+Tt)/2;
T(end,end) = (Tr+Tb)/2;
T(end,1) = (Tl+Tb)/2;
% Creating duplicate variables
T_initial = T;
T_old = T;
% Various inputs
error = 9e9;
acc = 1e-4; % Accuracy expected
jacobi_iter = 0; % Initialize jacobi iteration method
gauss_seidel_iter = 0; % Initialize gauss seidel iteration method
sor_iter = 0; % Initialize succesive over-relaxation method method
omega = 1.3; % Relaxation factor
iterative_solver = input('Iterative solver = ')
%% Jacobi's method
if iterative_solver ==1
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
T(i,j) = 0.25*(T_old(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j) + T_old(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1));
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
jacobi_iter = jacobi_iter+1;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (Jacobi method) = %d',jacobi_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
%% Gauss-seidel method
if iterative_solver ==2
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
T(i,j) = 0.25*(T(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j) + T(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1));
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
gauss_seidel_iter = gauss_seidel_iter+1;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (Gauss seidel method) = %d',gauss_seidel_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
%% Successive over-relaxation method
if iterative_solver ==3
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
T(i,j) = omega*(0.25*(T(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j) + T(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1)))+ (1-omega)*T_old(i,j);
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
sor_iter = sor_iter+1;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (SOR method) = %d',sor_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
A) Jacobi Iteration method:
B) Gauss-Seidel method:
C) Successive Over-relaxation method:
Explanation of the results obtained:
In this steady state analysis, various implicit methods were applied to calculate the iterations required to achieve convergence. However, Jacobi's iterative solver took 207 iterations, Gauss-Seidel took 111 iterations and SOR method resulted convergence in just 59 iterations. This variation is due to the algorithm a particular iterative solver follows.
Additionally, the temperature distribution over the domain clearly shows the maximum diffusion (In context of heat conduction) at the bottom boundary as the temperature at the bottom boundary is the maximum. The flow of vibrational kinetic energy by the molecular movement from high temperature to the low temperature can be visualized. The temperature distribution inside the domain is fairly simple that, respective to the boundary temperature, the flow of temperature is resulted. It is nothing but the physical diffusion escalated over the domain obeying diffusion phenomena.
2. Unsteady (Transient) state two dimensional heat conduction equation:
I] Explicit method:
MATLAB code:
% Transient heat conduction equation is given as,
%(dT/dt)+alpha*(d^2T/dx^2 + d^2T/dy^2) = 0
%% Explicit method
clear all
close all
% Length of the domain
l = 1;
% To discretize the domain
% X variables
nx = 10;
x = linspace(0,l,nx);
dx = l/(nx-1);
% Y variables
ny = 10;
y = x;
dy = l/(ny-1);
% Time step
dt = 1e-3;
% Constants
alpha = 1.1;
k1 = (alpha*dt)/(dx^2);
k2 = (alpha*dt)/(dy^2);
% Apply boundary condition to the domain
Tl = 400;
Tr = 800;
Tb = 900;
Tt = 600;
% Initializing temperature
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
% Temperature distribution at the boundaries
T(2:ny -1,1)= Tl;
T(2:ny -1,nx)= Tr;
T(1,2:nx - 1) = Tt;
T(ny,2:nx - 1) = Tb;
% Temperature at the corners
T(1,1) = (Tl+Tt)/2;
T(1,end) = (Tr+Tt)/2;
T(end,end) = (Tr+Tb)/2;
T(end,1) = (Tl+Tb)/2;
% Creating duplicate variables
T_initial = T;
T_old = T;
% Various inputs
acc = 1e-4; % Accuracy expected
conv = 9e9; % Initialize convergence
error = 9e9;
explicit_iter = 0;
%% Explicit method
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
term1 = T_old(i,j);
term2 = k1*(T_old(i-1,j)- 2*T_old(i,j) + T_old(i+1,j));
term3 = k2*(T_old(i,j-1)- 2*T_old(i,j) + T_old(i,j+1));
T(i,j) = term1+term2+term3;
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
explicit_iter = explicit_iter+1;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (Explicit method) = %d',explicit_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
Explicit method:
Explanation of the results obtained:
In transient analysis by using explicit method, 541 iterations are involved to converge a solution. As we know, explicit schemes are stable with smaller time-steps and do calculate the new value of a quantity based on the previous time-step. The temperature is displayed as above showing various temperatures at different nodes and elements as a dependence with boundary condition.
II] Implicit method:
% Transient heat conduction equation is given as,
%(dT/dt)+alpha*(d^2T/dx^2 + d^2T/dy^2) = 0
%% Implicit method
clear all
close all
% Length of the domain
l = 1;
% To discretize the domain
% X variables
nx = 10;
x = linspace(0,l,nx);
dx = l/(nx-1);
% Y variables
ny = 10;
y = x;
dy = l/(ny-1);
% Time step
dt = 1e-3;
% Constants
alpha = 1.1;
k1 = (alpha*dt)/(dx^2);
k2 = (alpha*dt)/(dy^2);
% Apply boundary condition to the domain
Tl = 400;
Tr = 800;
Tb = 900;
Tt = 600;
% Initializing temperature
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
% Temperature distribution at the boundaries
T(2:ny -1,1)= Tl;
T(2:ny -1,nx)= Tr;
T(1,2:nx - 1) = Tt;
T(ny,2:nx - 1) = Tb;
% Temperature at the corners
T(1,1) = (Tl+Tt)/2;
T(1,end) = (Tr+Tt)/2;
T(end,end) = (Tr+Tb)/2;
T(end,1) = (Tl+Tb)/2;
% Creating duplicate variables
T_initial = T;
T_old = T;
T_prev = T;
T_x = T;
% Various inputs
acc = 1e-4; % Accuracy expected
jacobi_iter = 0; % Initialize jacobi iteration method
gauss_seidel_iter = 0; % Initialize gauss seidel iteration method
sor_iter = 0; % Initialize successive over-relaxation method
t_iter = 0; % Initialize time iteration
conv = 9e9; % Initialize convergence
omega = 1.1; % Relaxation factor
% Prompt for calling methods.
iterative_solver = input('Iterative solver = ')
%% Jacobi's method
if iterative_solver ==1
while (conv>acc)
error = 9e9; % Initialize error
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
term1 = 1/(1+(2*k1)+(2*k2));
term2 = k1*term1;
term3 = k2*term1;
H = (T_old(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j));
V = (T_old(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1));
T(i,j) = (T_prev(i,j)*term1) + (H*term2) + (V*term3);
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
jacobi_iter = jacobi_iter+1;
t_iter = t_iter + 1;
conv = max(max(abs(T_prev-T)));
T_prev = T;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (Jacobi method) = %d',jacobi_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
%% Gauss-seidel method
if iterative_solver ==2
while (conv>acc)
error = 9e9; % Initialize error
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
term1 = 1/(1+(2*k1)+(2*k2));
term2 = k1*term1;
term3 = k2*term1;
H = (T(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j));
V = (T(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1));
T(i,j) = (T_prev(i,j)*term1) + (H*term2) + (V*term3);
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T;
gauss_seidel_iter = gauss_seidel_iter+1;
t_iter = t_iter + 1;
conv = max(max(abs(T_prev-T)));
T_prev = T;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (Gauss seidel method) = %d',gauss_seidel_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
%% Successive over-relaxation method
if iterative_solver ==3
while (conv>acc)
error = 9e9; % Initialize error
while (error>acc)
for i = 2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
term1 = 1/(1+(2*k1)+(2*k2));
term2 = k1*term1;
term3 = k2*term1;
H = (T(i-1,j) + T_old(i+1,j));
V = (T(i,j-1) + T_old(i,j+1));
T(i,j) = (T_prev(i,j)*term1) + (H*term2) + (V*term3);
T_x(i,j) = ((1-omega)*T_old(i,j))+ (T(i,j)*omega);
error = max(max(abs(T_old-T)));
T_old = T_x;
sor_iter = sor_iter+1;
t_iter = t_iter + 1;
conv = max(max(abs(T_prev-T)));
T_prev = T;
title(sprintf('No. of Iterations (SOR method) = %d',sor_iter))
xlabel('X axis')
ylabel('Y axis')
Implicit method:
1. Jacobi Iteration Method:
2. Gauss-Seidel Method:
3. Successive Over-relaxation Method:
Explanation of the results:
The above temperature distribution graphs resulted are calculated using Implicit methods. The temperature at new time-step is being evaluated using the information from previous time-step as well as from the on-going time-step resulting into a set of simultaneous equations. Here, Jacobi's iterative method took 3023 iterations, Gauss-Seidel took 2470 iterations and SOR method took 2029 iterations to converge a solution to expected accuracy. This is because the over-relaxation factor speeds up the iterative algorithm. Here over-relaxation factor (ω=1.1) gives optimal results, varying it above or below increases the iterative behaviour of the method. However, different iterative solvers obey different algorithms to converge a solution beacuse of that variation of iterations and time dependency comes into the picture giving similar results at various computation time and iterations. The temperature distribution is spreaded over the domain because of the temperature gradient along the boundary of a domain.
Observation Table:
Type of two dimensional heat conduction state | No.of iterations using Explicit method |
No.of iterations using Jacobi iterative method (Implicit Method) |
No.of iterations using Gauss - Seidel method (Implicit Method) |
No.of iterations using Successive Over-relaxation method (Implicit Method) |
Steady State | NA | 207 | 111 | 59 |
Unsteady (Transient) state | 541 | 3023 | 2470 | 2029 |
Key result:
In terms of iterations, Jacobi Iteration method > Gauss-Seidel method > Successive Over-relaxation method.
In terms of convergence speed, Jacobi Iteration method < Gauss-Seidel method < Successive Over-relaxation method.
In this project, a two dimensional heat conduction equation is solved for steady and unsteady state conditions using explicit and implicit method. Initially, steady state was solved using Implicit methods with the use of different iterative solvers (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR). Each iterative solver calculated steady state with certain iterations and computation time. In which SOR method shown effective results as compared to Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel. As number of iterations involved in SOR method was comparatively less and faster convergence was achieved. Similarly, in transient analysis using explicit method, the transient behaviour of temperature was reached to steady state over a period of time (Tn+1i,j=Tni,j) or in other words, convergence of the solution was achieved to a defined accuracy. The transient analysis using implicit method resulted in various iterations for the convergence of the solution. Again for a particular iterative solver, iterating time, computation time and speed of convergence differs respectively. Also, in transient analysis, SOR method shown lean and effective iteration steps and faster speed of convergence as compared to other iterative solvers.
The application of an iterative solver for numerical computing either results in convergence or divergence of the solution. While considering the case of convergence, the significant matter of concern in CFD analysis is the speed of convergence of the solution and required computation time. Different iterative solvers possess different algorithms with which numerical problems are solved. Again there is a need for adopting implicit and explicit method for a given problem. It certainly depends upon the given conditions and results to be expected. In this project, explicit scheme tend to be more effective as compared to implicit scheme for transient analysis, however it was only possible because the time-step involved was very less and therefore stable solution was resulted. But, if time step conditions vary, one cannot rely on explicit scheme to get stable results. As they tend to be unstable for larger time-step and smaller element discretization. So implicit schemes are usually preferred for their stability and for larger time-steps variation.
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